Saving $$ with Bountiful Baskets

Some of you have probably heard of Bountiful Baskets and the great deal you can get on produce. For those of you who haven’t heard of it, here’s a quick run down.

Bountiful Baskets is a non-profit food co-op for families that want to have more fresh produce for less money. In order to participate, you must set up a free account on the website…Contributions are accepted beginning Mondays at 10:00 a.m. for Utah, and 12:00 p.m. for all other states. Making a contribution is sometimes referred to as “ordering”, but this is not accurate. We call it contributing or participating, because Bountiful Baskets is not a business that you buy from, but rather a co-op where we all pool our money to buy things together

The website includes a list of participation locations along with “New Participant Instructions” to help you navigate your first time ordering/contributing. But basically you need to log on on Mondays, order up to 3 baskets and additional packs (such as multi-grain bread), if you want them, and pay with a credit card. Read the rest of this entry »

Picture This: Impending Shopping Doom

I start to become keenly aware that Christmas/Black Friday is approaching when I go from getting 3-4 ads in the Sunday paper to getting 12. Yes, 12. Meaning 3 to 4 times the usual number of ads. Although I am salivating over that red shirt and cardigan in the Sears ad. Goin’ on the Christmas list!

Pat on My Back: Sale Savings

What you are looking at is an almost complete picture of Hubby and I’s shopping trip on Saturday. All told we spent $124.62 for: Read the rest of this entry »

Making easy, healthy food swaps

not me...

I am my no means a “healthy food only” eater. I enjoy my chocolate, ice cream, and chocolate ice cream just as much as the next guy (probably more when it comes to chocolate ice cream). However, when I’m cooking at home I try to make healthy alternatives. For instances, whenever I make boxed mac and cheese I never add the butter/margarine that the directions say to add. And guess what? No one has ever noticed. With other recipes that say to add butter to the pan when cooking meat, no way Jose. I add a light coating of canola oil to the pan and save myself a nice hunk of calories and fat.

I also use the same swapping concept when I’m buying foods. When I’m faced with two choices for a particular food at the grocery store, I will almost always go with the healthier of the two. I do this by reading nutrition labels. Whichever option is lower in fat, calories or sugar chances are I’m going to be buying that one.

I’m sure the question that is wondered right now is “yeah, that sounds nice, but doesn’t those “light” foods taste bland/worse/gross when compared to the original?” To which I will say, Nope! In fact, I’ve been pleasantly when I’ve eaten the “healthy” version to find that it tastes the same as the “non-healthy” version. Read the rest of this entry »

Couponing Myth: Junk Food

One of the big couponing myths that I’ve heard in my past year of intense couponing (I’m not extreme because I don’t have a year supply of toilet paper, but I’m intense because I do only shop with coupons 95% of the time) is that the only type of coupons that you can find are coupons for processed/junk food. Coupons for healthy just plain don’t exist.

Junk Food!

Foods such as: sugar cereal, ice cream, salty snacks (including chips), soda, mac & cheese, dip, ramen noodles, popcorn, candy bars, “cereal” bars (which are more candy than cereal), pizza, fat loaded pasta sauce, oil loaded sides and those TV dinners that have your whole days worth of calories; these are all foods that you can’t swing a dead cat around without finding a coupon for. Read the rest of this entry »

And the winner is….

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First Ever GIVEAWAY!

3 weeks ago I had an article of mine published on my very favorite money-saving website. They had a post saying that they were going to start paying $50 for independent articles. I decided to submit an article I originally put on this blog about saving money by canceling our cable. And they accepted it!! So not only was one of MY articles on my favorite website but I also got paid $50 for it, double score! You can see and read the article here.

In celebration of this very cool occasion I decided I would share the love! And so I am pleased to announce my very first giveaway! Read the rest of this entry »

Phrase Origin: Beyond the/a shadow of a doubt

One of the things I wanted to do when I first started this blog was to do posts on phrase origins every once in a while. However, I never got around to doing it because I couldn’t ever pick out a phrase that I particularly wanted to look up. My opportunity to remedy this came this past Sunday.

In the Mormon world, there are a lot of stereotypical Mormon phrases that are tossed around. Every time someone uses one of these words or sayings Husband and I roll our eyes at each other and laugh at the highly over used jargon (so if any of you ever use one of them while we are out in the audience you have been warned, we will show no mercy). The phrase we will discuss today is SUCH an overused Mormon phrase that whenever I hear someone outside of church use this phrase I always have the “are they Mormon?” thought run through my head. Read the rest of this entry »

Summer Hiatus and

Yes, Hello. I’m back. I guess I took an unintentional summer hiatus from my blog. You see, what happened was that right after school got out, I took a trip back home to OKC. Then when I came back I started working at summer school. And then I kinda forgot. And then when I remembered I got down on my whole blog with the inevitable, “What’s the point? No one ever reads it anyway,” slump that all blog writers go through. However I had four or five different people ask me in a few weeks span ask me what happened and that they missed reading it and so here I am. Back for another go at it. Only this time I’ve decided that in order to keep myself from getting burnt out I’m only going to be posting once a week, just so ya know. And to try to revive the reading traffic of my blog I’m going to be doing something special and fun in a couple of weeks! So anyways, onward to the main post idea… is a free website that I first heard about a few years ago but I didn’t actually try it out until the beginning of this summer. Since I’ve started using it I’ve saved at least $40 on “new” video games for Hubby and probably that much on “new” books too. Read the rest of this entry »

Things I like: Free phone apps!


I read on another blog last week that you can go to the Amazon App Store and get a Free! (yes, absolutely no strings attached kind of free) android paid app every day. Sorry to any of you that have an iphone, this is only for android phones. However, I don’t feel that bad because iphones got all the love for a long time and now it’s the androids’ turn.

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